Recount text - Going to UNSIQ

Recount text - Going to UNSIQ

Recount text - Going to UNSIQ ini adalah judul dari pemaparan saya kali ini di tresno English untuk sobat semuanya. Seperti kita tahu bahwa recount text atau teks recount ini adalah text yang berisi tentang pengalaman seseorang.
Recount text atau teks recount bisa saja berupa diary. Karena menulis sebuah perjalana atau kunjungan ke UNSIQ maka menjadi Going to Unsiq.
Recount text ini bercerita tentang Going to UNSIQ atau pergi ke UNSIQ. Mau tahu ceritanya ? silahkan disimak Recount text - Going to UNSIQ berikut ini ......

Going to UNSIQ

This afternoon I was from campus. I had an important thing there. I had to legalite my certificate.

I saw the situation was very different from some years ago when I still studied there. The large parking area was full of vehicles. The students were more that at that time.
First I went to main office. I met Panji. He worked there he told me to go to my faculty to see Mr. Zahid and Mrs. Ana as the dean.

I saw my life at that time. I remembered every time when I was with my classmates. I had happy story whole days.

I stopped a moment to see my past time in that place. I saw my close friendship with all my classmates. My heart asked “my frieds where are you know ?”, “Mujab where are you ?”, Zalif where are you ?”  I saw them all but I could not touch them.

I saw my Arya at his faculty, I remebered every meeting we always spoke English. My heart asked “Arya, where are you know ? why am I here without you and your well speaking English ?” I really felt that he was there with me but .... I could not see him when I opened my eyes. I could not touch him at all.

I walked again and suddenly I saw my lovely Iqbal. “Iqbal .........” my heart shouted. Unfortunately he was not there. My heart said “my lovely Iqbal, where are you know ? why could not we be togethere here? Why we have no warm handclasp ? why ? ”

I walked again and I saw Yoga. My heart asked “where are you ?” no one knew how I felt. No one knew the meaning of my standing alone without no words.

In the faculty I met Mr. Zahid, Mr. Puji, Mrs. Nina and also Mrs. Ana who was the dean. We chatted before going home.

I spared my time to visit mosque, I entered there to pray. I hoped I could see my lovely Iqbal. But .... I did not see anyone I knew.

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Terima kasih dan see you soon ....


Sekilas tentang penulis : Aksara Tanpa makna

English Learning Forign