Example of Recount Text In The Form of Letter This example of Recount Text in the form of letter was derived to tell the one who are close to us about an unforgettable moment which is oc... Baca Selengkapnya
Two Examples of Narrative Text With Its Moral Messages Text One A father came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5 year old son waiting for him at the door. Son : "Father,... Baca Selengkapnya
How To Write An Instruction/Procedure Text As you know, an instruction text is a text that explains to someone how to do something, such as bake a cake, play a game or work a DVD pla... Baca Selengkapnya
Panduan Membuat Report Text Lengkap dengan Contohnya Report text merupakan satu dari sekian jenis genre of text yang termasuk kedalam kategori descriptive. Secara definisi, report text adalah ... Baca Selengkapnya
Discussion Text About House and Its Generic Structure Discussion text is a text which present a problematic discourse. This problem will be discussed from different viewpoints. Discussion is co... Baca Selengkapnya
How to Make An Announcement Text for School Announcement (bahasa Indonesia : pengumuman) merupakan suatu pernyataan atau pemberitahuan secara resmi dalam bentuk lisan ataupun tulisan ... Baca Selengkapnya
Advertisement Text, Contoh Iklan Properti dalam Bahasa Inggris Dikutip dari Oxford Dictionary, "Advertisement or advertizing is a form of marketing communication used to promote or sell something us... Baca Selengkapnya